ARCHIVE 2011 - 2014


Memories of Dr. Posch

24. December 1932 - 20. August 2014


Talk by Fawzia Naqvi

29 September 2014


A new book the Austrian Art Expert, Professor Ebba Koch on Mughal Architecture

October 22, 2014


Dear Members and Friends of the Austria Pakistan Society

September 1, 2014


Festival of the Austrian International Cultural Association

Pakistan Stand during an Festival of the Austrian International Cultural Association in the HGM (History Army Museum ). President of the Association is Babar Khan and his help hand, Ms. Eva Zeman.

June 15, 2014

New Board of the Austro-Pakistan Society

elected on June 17, 2014


H.E. Ambassador Ayesha Riaz

H.E. Ambassador Ayesha Riaz has presented her Credentials as new Ambassador to the Austrian Republic to the Federal President, Dr.Heinz Fischer, on December 16, 2013.


Festival of Nations Vienna

June 17, 2012


Lecture by Jürgen Frembgen, Munich on Sufism in Pakistan

June 14, 2012


Visit of the Archbishop of Karachi

Archbishop Joseph Coutts was on a visit to Austria from June 9-16 2012. He visited Vienna, St.Pölten,Linz, Salzburg, Graz and Eisenstadt and spoke about the position of the Catholic Church in Pakistan. The visit has been arranged by “KIRCHE IN NOT”(“Church in Need”), Austria.

June 9 - 16, 2012


Two Austrians cycle around the world and through Pakistan!

Anita and Stefan Kothner on the occasion of their talk at the Austro-Pakistan Society.
Center: President Claudia Wachtel

December 12, 2011


Basant in Vienna

June 25, 2011