
Who we are

The Austria Pakistan Society - APS (Österreichisch Pakistanische Gesellschaft - OePG) was founded in 1976 with a view to cultivate the cultural and scientific contacts between Austria and Pakistan and to further the knowledge of the wider public in Austria about the politics, economy, history, culture and the social system of Pakistan. Several members of the Austria Pakistan Society have  successfully engaged in cooperation projects in the educational and humanitarian sector and in the promotion of sport activities in Pakistan.

The APS (OePG) is a member of PaN, the umbrella organisation of bilateral friendship societies in Austria.

What  we want to do

The Austria Pakistan Society wishes to enhance and promote the friendly relations between Austria and Pakistan in the fields of culture, science, economy and sports. It is our wish to give Pakistan its due place in the hearts and minds of the Austrian people.  The OePG cooperates with the Pakistan embassy in Vienna, academic institutions and museums with Southasian collections and keeps contact to institutions who have similar objectives and work for the benefit of both countries. 

The OePG organises events for members, also in cooperation with partner organisations and serves as a platform for all who deal with subjects relating to Pakistan and Austria Pakistan relations.