

Pakistan is not very well known in Austria, much less than the country deserves. And yet, for many years Pakistan has been an important economic partner and the destination of many top mountaineers from Austria. Pakistan takes pride in having on its territory more 8000 meter summits than any other country in the world and a number of UNESCO world heritage sites. Foreign tourists who have visited the country return deeply impressed by the landscape, the architecture and particularly the people of Pakistan with their generous hospitality.  

I spent four years as Austrian ambassador in Islamabad and had the privilege to see many of these impressive sites and to meet many wonderful, generous people. It is my pleasure to serve as President of the Austria Pakistan Society, a position I took over in 2019; shortly after my return from Pakistan.

I would like to thank my predecessor, Simone Wille, for her work as president from 2014-2018; she organised many interesting activities during her term.

Dr. Brigitta Blaha