September 1st, 2014

Dear Members and Friends of the Austria Pakistan Society,

I have to start this letter with an announcement: It is with great sadness that we heard of the unexpected death of Dr. Friedrich Posch. He has passed away in late August while travelling in Germany. Over many years Dr. Posch has been the force behind the Austria Pakistan Society. As a dedicated leader he organized many exciting events and activities. He will be remembered for his tremendous kindness and generosity. The family will inform the society about funeral arrangements that are to be expected in the second part of the month of September.

  We are currently working hard to revamp, upgrade, and retool our website. In the coming months you will experience a more dynamic user experience, an updated and more streamlined look. Since a growing number of people are using the internet through mobile and tablet devices, we will make sure that our new design will be fully compatible with your smart phone, so that you can access our website on the go.

 I would like to announce our forthcoming September event, a talk by Fawzia Naqvi, CEO and Editor-in Chief of ArtNow, Pakistan’s only online art magazine. Fawzia Naqvi will be talking about her work and about the future of art in Pakistan. She will also be presenting the biennale projects under way in both Lahore and Karachi. Make sure to not miss this exciting event to take place at: 

September 29th, 2014

18:00 o’clock

Residence of the Ambassador of Pakistan to Austria

Hocheneggasse 4

1190 Vienna

If you are attending please kindly call Mr. Kamran at the Pakistani Ambassy no later than Sept. 15,  Tel.: 01 368 73 81

 Please note your calendars for our October event.  Prof. Ebba Koch will present her influential and revised book on “Mughal Architecture”. She will also talk about the “Solomonic Angels in the Lahore Fort”—the Angels in the Kala Burj—and will put them in relation with the works of the contemporary artist Shahzia Sikander (see attachement). I am looking forward to an inspiring talk that will be taking place at Vienna’s Diplomatic Academy on October 22nd, 2014. We will send out a reminder with the exact location and time nearer to the date!

This is all for now. I hope to be seeing you very soon!

With best wishes
Simone Wille
President of the Austria Pakistan Society