early 2010

A major natural disaster has affected the Hunza Valley in the North of Pakistan

Early this year(2010) a major natural disaster has hit the famous Hunza Valley in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. At  Hunza/Attabad a huge landslide destroyed many houses with much loss of life. The Karakoram Highway(KKH) was  buried and a huge dam was formed which blocked Hunza River. In the meantime a lake was formed which threatens  to inundate   the adjoining villages.

An Austrian visitor,Ms Evelyn Finsterl, together with a friend sent a sum of € 200,00 into the crisis area – alas only a drop on a hot stone…How can we help the victims?Ms.Finsterl has contacted NACHBAR IN NOT in February, but unfortunately her appeal coincided with the earthquake in Haiti and the Media in Austria did not report on the catastrophe at all.

The Austro-Pakistan Society has been alerted. Who will take the initiative?
For information please consult the following links:



