Date | 5. November 2021, 6 pm

Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Ebba Koch

The water palace of Hiran Minar and the hunting traditions of the Mugal Emperors

Ebba Koch studied Art History and Archaeology in Vienna. Since 2001 she has been Professor of Indian and Islamic Art at the Institute of Art History at Vienna University. She also taught at the universities of Oxford, Harvard, New Delhi, Cairo and Istanbul. Her research focuses on the architecture and art of the Great Moguls of South Asia and their artistic connections to Central Asia, Iran and Europe.

Date | 5. November 2021, 6 pm

Venue | Universitätscampus Altes AKH, Institut für Tibetologie, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Vienna, Seminarraum 1, Eingang 2.7, 2. Hof.

Please rsvp by November 3, 2021, to You are kindly invited for refreshments after the lecture. 2,5 G rules will apply for attendance.